The B2B marketplace guide

The perfect guide to learn everything about B2B marketplaces and get all the keys to launch your own project


Why a marketplace guide?

Welcome to our BtoB marketplace guide !

If your objective is to learn everything about marketplaces more specifically on B2B marketplaces, you are at the right place. This guide is made to explain all major aspects of marketplaces from defining the terms, to attracting and engaging more and more sellers and buyers when launching your btob marketplace.The global business-to-business eCommerce sales are predicted to continue growing and surpassing the BtoC world.

There are 5 detailed steps to create a successful marketplace :

If your objective is to learn everything about marketplaces more specifically on B2B marketplaces, you are at the right place. This guide is made to explain all major aspects of marketplaces from defining the terms, to attracting and engaging more and more sellers and buyers when launching your btob marketplace.The global business-to-business eCommerce sales are predicted to continue growing and surpassing the BtoC world.

Understanding marketplaces The right combination for your BtoB marketplace The discovery of tools from the BtoB marketplaces environmentThe launch of your marketplace : creation, management of users The longevity for your marketplace

STEP 1: Understanding marketplaces

For true beginners. Discover what a marketplace is, why this model grew up so fast, and all the most basic knowledges on the subject.

What is a marketplace ?

Let's focus on B2B marketplaces!

Business-to-business (B2B) marketplaces are a growing segment of the global e-commerce industry, enabling suppliers and buyers to sell and buy goods and services online. B2B marketplaces cover virtually all industries where the exchange of goods, commodities, and services is involved.

B2B sales portals differ markedly from business-to-consumer e-commerce portals in attracting rational B2B buyers who are interested in long-term commercial relationships as opposed to impulsive B2C buyers who are usually making one-time purchases.

Discover how the online B2B marketplaces model appears and why it takes such a big part of international business.

A brief history of B2B marketplaces : the rise of Alibaba

Alibaba is the pioneering B2B marketplace but does not remain alone for a long time. Big players such as Tradeindia, Thomasnet rose up quickly to this new opportunity of development.

How a variety of early players emerged in the footsteps of Alibaba

STEP 2: The great combination to create a B2B marketplace

If you are looking for a new springboard for your business'activity, it could be the right time to study the possibility of building an online marketplace.

Valuable ideas for creating great marketplaces

A new project in every company needs to be profitable. And that is why as soon as you decide to create a marketplace, it is important to identify which are the possible business model for this future branch of business.

What business model should you choose for your B2B marketplace?

STEP 3: Tools for creating marketplaces

Analyze all the technical possibilities available to create a marketplace: tailored marketplace, open-source or even Saas marketplace software. It will define the way your marketplace will be built.

Overview about B2B marketplace solutions and their related cost

Then, on such a big project, we recommend you to choose a marketplace solution provider. Even if you have an IT team inside your company, it is better and easier to start with specialized software that already contains every feature you would need.

5 questions to choose your marketplace solution
5 key requirements and features of a B2B marketplace

Then, on such a big project, we recommend you to choose a Whatever the marketplace solution you choose and if you would like to manage payment you would need to look for a payment provider. If you do not want to deal with financial exchange, you can directly go to part 5.

What is the best marketplace payment provider for your B2B marketplace?

Each payment provider would provide different payment methods. Here is a quick overview

STEP 4: Start building your marketplace

For true beginners. Discover what a marketplace is, why this model grew up so fast, and all the most basic knowledges on the subject.

Start to create a marketplace with a MVP

If you start with an MVP and take time to onboard sellers during this specific phase, it would be easier to make them adopt the platform as a new business opportunity. Even better if they get the luck to take part in the evolution of the platform.

How to manage a multi-vendor marketplace ?

In addition, to feel involved in the experience, vendors would require to get something from the marketplace: revenue, visibility...

How to attract sellers on your B2B marketplace

STEP 5: What about the future

Once your marketplace is launched and running live, you will implement different tactics to attract sellers, but also more and more buyers. As you can imagine a B2B marketplace is only interesting if there are traffic and transactions. Here is an incredible challenge for you.

Customer Retention or Customer Acquisition for a B2B Marketplace
Online B2B marketplaces : How to Engage Both Buyers and Sellers

Our white paper on how to create a B2B marketplace


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