Creating B2B platform for the Fashion industry

Fashion B2B marketplace

Never miss any opportunity to develop your business by connecting suppliers and clients in your industry

B2B marketplace solution for fashion with Uppler

Why doing it

Connect vendors and buyers in your industry

Accelerate business transactions

Increase your revenues

What can a B2B platform do for your business ?

Uppler was born in the fashion industry. That is why we are more than specialized in this market and the solution owns most of the required features to build a suitable B2B platform.


Fashion industry is specific in its way because each product is declined in different sizes, colors or materials. On the Uppler marketplace, all these options can be displayed on the same page to optimize user experience. Indeed the buyer will find all the information he needs on one page instead of opening dozen of pages for the same product.


The solution gives the possibility to buyers to stay connected with the platform even if products are out of stocks. A very important way to make them come back and transform visitors into actual buyers.


Before proceeding to purchase, fashion buyers need a first contact with clothes and fabrics to be confident with the product and ensure their clients the right quality. That is why we offer the possibility to buyers to order sample, with obviously a limit in the ordering quantity.

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Why choose Uppler?

  • 1-month launch with our all-in-one solution

  • Specialized in B2B e-commerce

  • Integration team to make your project easier

What our client say about us

Morgan Clark

Platform manager at Label Corner

"Customer service is highly responsive and the plateform is easy to use.
The solution has a great adaptability, great value for money and enables a fast implementation"